In Module 3, course content is focused on supervising and supporting your team through the use of clinical, individual and group supervision as well as addressing the needs of supervisors and supervisees related to Secondary Traumatic Stress. In this course, supervisors should demonstrate an understanding of different supervision required with staff which includes providing guidance and supervision beyond just case consultation. Additionally, in this course supervisor's will learn that they should be thinking about how they can utilize group supervision in their units and develop a plan for their first group supervision meeting. This course also includes information on how supervisors should have an understanding of trauma and how it affects the families they serve and their staff. Lastly, in this course, supervisors will learn how to monitor staff for signs of secondary traumatic stress and begin to provide support to help combat negative consequences.

Target Participants: New DCFS-Child Welfare Supervisors.

Upon successful completion of training participants will receive 12 CEU's

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Hours: 11
Social Work CEUs: Social Work CEUs (6.75 General & 4.25 Clinical)
CW Training Hours: None
Instructor's Name: Tracy Hoggatt, LCSW-BACS, & Marcia Daniel, LCSW
Skill Level: Beginner