This course has been approved for 3.0 Clinical CEUs

Many families impacted by domestic violence perpetrators’ behaviors have multiple, complex, intersecting issues. In the past, we might have referred to these as co-occurring issues. 

But the language of co-occurrence often doesn’t provide us with a sense of how these issues interact.

  • For example, listing the family’s issues is not as powerful as explaining how the domestic violence perpetrator interfered with his partner’s recovery.
  • Listing that the family has experienced both domestic violence and child behavioral health issues is not as useful as describing how the perpetrator’s violence has produced anxiety and aggression in the children.

Using an intersections framework, versus a co-occurrence framework, we increase perpetrator accountability, improve our ability to diagnose and treat each member of the family, and improve our ability to help the adult and children survivors.

This course will provide guidance on how to understand the connections, or intersections, and make them work for us in our practice.

Note: You must complete the "Safe & Together™: An Introduction to the Model" prior to enrolling in this course.
Hours: 3
Social Work CEUs: Clinical Social Work CEUs
CW Training Hours: None
Instructor's Name: David Mandel & Brittany Dibella MSW, DVS
Skill Level: Beginner