The orientation will consist of an overview of the Supervisor Support and Capacity Building Program (SSCBP) with specific attention on how to develop their personal learning and development plan (PLDP).   The PLDP is designed specifically for the supervisor and will recommend competency development for continuous learning, growth and development.  Participants will look at the difference in performance and developmental goals and will identify areas they would like to grow and develop, using the principles of practice competencies to develop their individual goals.  The orientation will provide information about how the program is designed to provide support and capacity building through classroom training, coach/mentor program, CQI mentorship, support group and completion of their PLDP. 

Hours: 2
Social Work CEUs: General Social Work CEUs
CW Training Hours: None
Instructor's Name: Tracy Hoggatt, LCSW-BACS & Marcia Daniel, LCSW
Skill Level: Beginner