1.0 Training Hours

Court 101 is designed to be viewed with your foster youth. The training aims to familiarize both you and the youth in your care to the court system. You will be introduced to several people you will meet during the court process while learning about their roles. You will also learn about the types of court hearings a foster child will be a part of including: the Continued Custody Hearing; Adjudication; Disposition; Case Review Hearing; and the Permanency Hearing. The role of a foster caregiver is also discussed as well as their rights and responsibilities. 

  • Understand what is meant by “Child in need of care” or CINC.
  • Define the court process and what to expect.
  • Define the different types of court hearings.
  • Recognize the role and responsibilities of the different parties involved in court hearings.
  • Identify steps you can take to be prepared for the court process.
  • Indicate the third parties the child can contact with their questions and concerns.

Hours: 1
Social Work CEUs: None
CW Training Hours: CW Training Hours
Instructor's Name: Louisiana Child Welfare Training Academy
Skill Level: Beginner

QPI is an approach to ensuring that all children receive excellent parenting. It is an initiative adopted by the Department of Children and Family Services to strengthen the foster care system and its ability to meet the needs of vulnerable children and families. The goal of this training is to provide an introduction to the QPI principles. A review of developmental research highlights the importance of recognizing early trauma, as well as the ability of consistent, caring relationships in helping children to have better outcomes. The role of foster parents in the QPI process is highlighted.

Hours: 1
Social Work CEUs: None
CW Training Hours: CW Training Hours
Instructor's Name: Youth Law Center
Skill Level: Beginner

Human Trafficking 101: A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Human Trafficking is an introductory course designed to raise awareness of the problem of human trafficking as the first step to eradication. The course aims to provide the knowledge necessary to define human trafficking and its prevalence.  Risk factors are given to help participants identify and assess victims of human trafficking as well as services available to victims.

Participants will not be equipped to provide direct interventions with a victim after completing this course, and in fact, may harm a victim without being properly trained in trauma-informed intervention techniques. This course includes video clips from an interview with a survivor. Please be aware of the sensitive nature of the information shared in the videos and respect the confidentiality of what is shared.

Upon course completion, you will be able to:

  • Define the crime of human trafficking and dispel common myths.
  • Differentiate between the types of human trafficking.
  • Identify risk factors that contribute to the vulnerability of potential victims.
  • Recognize the prevalence of human trafficking.
  • Outline the legislative response to human trafficking.
  • Identify victims of human trafficking.
  • Review the comprehensive service needs of victims.

Hours: 1.5
Social Work CEUs: None
CW Training Hours: CW Training Hours
Instructor's Name: Dr. Corie Hebert, PhD, LMSW
Skill Level: Beginner